About Me

Hello! Welcome to my blog! 

My name is Elizabeth and here are some things you might want to know about me:

-I am a wife, daughter, sister, sister-in-law, friend, and social worker, depending on who you ask.

-I am slightly neurotic, but a whole bunch of fun!

-I am glad you found my blog and hope that depending on the day, I inspire you, make you laugh, make you cry, make you think, or just give you a place to get your mind off of your own life!

- I am a Christian, and my faith guides my life. However, just because I am a Christian doesnt mean I'm perfect! Expect me to mess up sometimes...I am still growing!

-Everything I post on this blog is my opinion.  You can agree. You can disagree.  I love comments, I love conversations (but please be respectful in your comments!)

-I live my life "Permanently At Lunch", aka I live in my own little world.  Therefore, often times you will get exactly what my description says: Unrelated Thoughts From My Erratic Brain.  Welcome to the randomness...:)
