How would the lives that surround me change if I spent more time in prayer?
These are questions I have been asking myself lately.
Yes, I pray.
Do I pray enough? Absolutely not.
As I’ve discussed before, I am so selfish. Often I become so wrapped up in the ‘daily cares of this life’ to ever step outside myself to talk to my Heavenly Father.
Jesus prayed.
All. The. Time.
So what is my problem??
I know how powerful prayer can be.
Afterall, the Bible tells us that we can have confidence approaching God that He will hear our prayers. And that if we know that He hears us, “whatever we ask, we know that we have what we asked of Him” (1 John 5:14-15).
Those are some powerful words that demonstrate how effective prayer can be.
God. The Creator of the Universe. Cares About My Prayers. Wants to Hear From Me. Loves When I Bring My Requests Before Him. Loves To Hear My Heart.
So why do I hesitate?
Well, laziness.
It is easier to just focus on all the many, many responsibilities I have.
This keeps me from just sitting. And waiting. And talking to God.
Which is ridiculous.
Because if this life is about ANYTHING, it is about Christ.
Nothing more.
He is what gives me purpose and meaning.
He is who gave me this life, and could take it away in the time it would take for me to blink just once.
He is the one who I will spend eternity with.
Will my masters follow me into eternity? No. Will my money follow me into eternity? No. Will my exhaustion follow me into eternity? No.
Nothing else matters but my relationship with Christ, and yet that is the thing that I neglect the most.
I get so caught up in work, finances, stress, etc. that I am missing out on the most important part of my life!
Prayer brings me closer to Him and helps me know His will for my life as well as allows me to see His love and heart for all the people around me.
Obviously, I need to do some reevaluating of my time.
How about you guys? How do you make sure you are spending time in prayer each day?
I need some new ideas. I need some refreshment. I need revival…